Feeling perpetually rushed, and wishing to figure out where to focus your energy and how to better manage your time.
Looking for career growth and change, but feeling uncertainty and anxiety about how to approach this challenge.
Limited by self-doubt and the feeling that others are better. (Impostor Syndrome)
Navigating difficult relationships- at work or at home with your spouse and/or children.
Avoiding making important decisions.
Struggling to set healthy boundaries.
In a phase of major life change and wish for clarity to map out the next steps of your life.
How it works:
Meet for a complimentary initial discovery call. Bring any topic and have a direct experience of coaching. Share your goals. If this feels like a good fit and you are committed, we move to the next step.
Plan our future meetings - typically 1-2 times per month (options of 6 or 12 sessions).
In our first working session, we will dive deeper into your dreams, goals, challenges, and what drives you. We will design and align how we will work best together.
Meet regularly to support your evolution and advancement.

What is it that you seek?
A life of fulfillment?
Does it seem beyond your reach?
This and that you do each day
Yet the emptiness pervades the air.
There is more, your heart says, while
Mind quashes the hope right away.
On and on we go,
Plodding thru the life we are told.
Another day has gone by
And sadness takes hold
What are you really longing for?
Are you ready to seek that goal?
Be that light, that shines bright
Alive and Engaged
No Judgment in sight?
You have a Choice. There is a way
to fulfill that dream you have kept at bay.
Shall we conspire? Team up
to fulfill that deepest desire?

100 plus hours of Co-Active coach training. CTI (Co-Active Training Institute) is widely recognized as one of the most rigorous professional coach training and certification programs in the industry
Coaching for ICF Oregon WVDO Executive Leadership Academy
Member of Coaching for Institutions (which brings coaching to healthcare, including physicians in training).
Pro Bono Coaching for AMWA (American Medical Women’s Association)
When we make a decision, it has its reaction. If we do not make a decision, that has a reaction too, then decisions are made for us by circumstance, other people, situations or confusion.
you have the choice!

“I was in a chaotic place personally and professionally when I met Namrata. From our very first session, she was able to meet me where I was at emotionally and help me ground myself in my truth and my goals. She helped me find my path forward and find the strength and security inside me to keep pushing through a difficult time.”
Leah A.
“Namrata is a remarkable coach. She has the skill to know when to encourage, when to ask questions, and when to hold the silent space for one’s own discovery. I would not hesitate to recommend Namrata.”